
Wednesday, July 29, 2009


Jonathan Sergeant Davis


This is all I can really post right now. We aren't going to post his birth name or where he's from until we get clearance. But here's his picture and the name we've chosen for him. We are going to call him John Sergeant or "Sarge". Jonathan is a family name from both sides...Greg's middle name is John and my maternal grandfather's name was John. Jonathan means "God has given" which we felt was very appropriate. Now here's the interesting part...Greg and I both had the idea of naming him Sergeant on the same random is that? Actually, I thought about Sergeant and Greg came up with Sarge. When he asked me what I thought of nicknaming him "Sarge", I couldn't believe it. I just started laughing and said, "I was thinking Sergeant just this morning, but I thought you wouldn't like it!" I will say that Sergeant is kinda similar to his birth name and we wanted to keep a part of his birth name.

So there he is...go ahead and comment away on how cute he is! :)


  1. absolutely precious, Tesney. How old is he, if you can say? eat him up.

  2. He's a doll!!!!!!!! Seriously, I see children everyday all day- I should know :)

  3. Yes, absolutely beautiful!! He's got similar coloring to my boys!

  4. Supa...he's just shy of two. He's soooo little for his age. :( I can't wait to fatten him up!

  5. Amber...he does! He could actually be one of yours...that is so funny!

  6. OH WOW! what a cutie pie he is! I am so impressed with your new journey and inspired. Thank you for the example of following the Lords calling. He is one blessed little guy.

  7. Tesney, I am so excited for you!!! I believe this is one of the most precious things I have heard. Isn't it crazy thinking back around 15 years ago or so and remembering just living in the moment without a clue. We had no idea what God had planned for our lives.

  8. What a cutie pie!!!!!! he is so tiny...can't believe he is two. that is awesome that he is so close to C's age. I am so thrilled for you and I know you can't wait to get your hands on him. Congrats!

  9. By the way Tesney the previous post by Tara is Tara Harper, I don't know if you were able to figure that out. :)

  10. I love him already! K. Hovater

  11. wow, that was so fast! How soon till he's in your arms?

  12. I remember a few years ago you telling me that you thought you might adopt a special needs child one day.... How exciting that it is really happening!!! I really enjoyed reading how you guys came to this decision. It is amazing the things that God calls us to do when we listen and how he changes our lives and hearts as we take the leap of faith and follow. I look forward to hearing more about your journey. By the way, he is adorable!!

  13. Tara...I did figure it have another friend named Tara but we haven't known each other for 15 years!

    L&L...we have been told 8-12 months. We have also been told it could be sooner but we are not getting our hopes up. you still have a blog?

  14. Oh so cute! Jonathan is one of our faves, too, and Sarge is awesome. Can't wait to see more pictures!

  15. What a precious baby boy!!! I'm so happy for you, and for him. He's coming to an awesome family!

  16. Tesney,
    It's MaryAnn Dozier Green. Just saw the link on the Home facebook page and i was led here. I am so inspired by yours and Greg's decision to listen and obey God's leading. I look so forward to reading about the journey on your blog.
