
Wednesday, March 23, 2011


WE DESPERATELY NEED THEM NOW. I will post more if/when I can, but for now, please pray for our appeal. Pray harder than you ever have. Thank you all so much...we feel the prayers and we know they are powerful. We are leaning on God and his infinite wisdom. We will follow him and praise his name no matter where he leads us.

Trusting HIM...


  1. Praying for all of you fervently,

  2. Praying for you all

  3. Praying for you as well. Best of luck!

  4. P.S. I wanted to just email you privately but couldn't find a way to do so. So you don't need to publish my post since it is so long and because it was mostly meant for you.

  5. We are praying for y'all, and trusting in God's strength, and love.

  6. I'm a friend you've never met praying for your family. I shared your plight with my small group yesterday, so 9 ladies in Central IL also prayed for you. God WILL BE (& already is) victorious!

  7. praying for y'all. GOD IS IN CONTROL and HE IS ON HIS THRONE!!! may He give you everything you need during this time...

  8. We are praying over here in RI. Hope you can feel the love and support across the miles.

  9. Praying for you and your family Tesney! Thankful for your faith and desire to glorify God in ALL circumstances.....

  10. I'm new to your blog, but your story is inspiring and heartbreaking all at the same time. I am definitely praying for your sweet boy! God will be praised through all of this! Thanks for sharing your story!

  11. I am praying for you here in Massachusetts.

  12. I will pray for all of you! May you feel His presence during this especially hard battle!

  13. I posted a prayer request to my facebook! Prayers for a change of heart and a swift adoption!

  14. Been praying ever since I first learned of the judge's decision. I posted about Kirill's story on my blog as well:

  15. Our family will be praying that eyes and hearts be opened!!!


  16. Just found your blog through a friend. We will be joining you in prayer. Remember that God is for you, and He is a father to the fatherless and a defender of the defenseless. I pray that God will give you strength and favor with the officials.

  17. Prayed on my knees today, not only for the rescue of your sweet baby, but also for the salvation of the judge. May they BOTH be saved in the end.

  18. Our entire family and network of friends is praying for all involved, especially your sweet son Kirill!

  19. Praying for you and sharing with all the prayer warriors in my life. Nebraska is praying up a storm for you and Kirill!


  20. I know that this will work out and am praying for God to make it possible. You are a wonderful family and may you always be blessed.

  21. I live in Central PA and will be praying for you. May God hold your arms up when you are weary. Gods plan is the best plan and He knows the whole picture. If there is anything else we can do please let me know. Love in Christ Linda

  22. My prayers are with you and your cute family. Knowing that Heavenly Father is in charge and that He loves the judge too provides comfort and hope......

  23. God's children were running from the enemy...they were up against a sea of water...there appeared no way...God had brought them their to show them a miracle..claiming a miracle for you

  24. i have posted your story on my fb and blog...we are fervently praying for your hearts. Most of all, the judge's heart...that it will be changed and that our Savior can be glorified through this process! thank you SO MUCH for staying the course and SHOWING the outside world what unconditional love looks like! Is there anything else that we can do?
