
Saturday, April 30, 2011


We got our Supreme Court date!!! It is May 24th at 3:10 p.m. That will be 6:10 a.m. CST. I hope you will all join in prayer at that time for us as we appear before the Supreme Court in Moscow to appeal our adoption.

I'm sorry it's taken me so long to post again. But I have a couple of good reasons. We received our court date via telegram on Monday, April 25th. Greg checked the mail about 7:30 p.m. and there were two telegrams in Russian, one addressed to each of us. They were in phonetical Russian...meaning they were in Russian, but phonetically spelled using the English alphabet. So we couldn't use Google translate to figure it out. We ended up taking them to a friend's house who teaches languages at the U of A. He was able to translate it enough to figure out that it was our court date.

We were very excited but also unsure if it was official. By the time we got home that night it was almost 11:00 p.m. We had called, emailed and text messaged our adoption agency social worker. She called us back and said that they couldn't confirm the telegram message until they spoke to their Russian staff. None of them we were expecting us to receive notification of our court date via telegram. They thought it would be sent to our lawyer in Russia and he would let us know. So we waited on pins and needles...we're kinda accustomed to that by now.

By Tuesday afternoon we got confirmation from our adoption agency that it was indeed our court date! I was going to post it on here, but I never got a chance before I went to work on Wednesday. Then Wednesday our city was rocked by an F-5 tornado. We have just now gotten back internet service so I can post. Our area of the city is fine. Our apartment is fine and our friends and family are safe. However, much of our city is completely destroyed. I'm sure you've seen the coverage on the news.

So I'm asking that you please pray for our city as you pray for our Supreme Court date. Thank you all. we are so thankful for the support you've given us for so many weeks. You have been our Aarons, holding us up in prayer. We are so grateful. You will never understand how much the thoughts and prayers mean to us.


  1. Will be praying for your beautiful family....Kirill is coming home!

  2. will be praying constantly for you Krill and the people in your city. my heart is with you at the moment xxxx

  3. Praying for your city with the tornados and Praying for thst precious little boy!

  4. Will be praying all the way till that date and even more on that date!! I have faith that You WILL BE BRINGING HIM HOME!!!!! Hugs!!!

  5. Prayers and Blessings!! This baby is coming home because NO man can stand against God!!
    Ps 91-for you and your family &
    Ps 94:14-15 "The Lord will never desert his people or abandon those who belong to Him. The decisions of judges will again become fair, and everyone whose motives are decent will pursue justice" (God's Word Translation)
    Lot of love,
    Mel G

  6. Many prayers for those people around you who have lost so much and also for all to go according to God's plan at your court date.

  7. Praying for all those effected by the Tornados. Praying for Kirill and your family. Can we link to your blog post or is it better not to?

  8. Your story has my heart all tied up. I was blessed to have been able to pray for ya all when you were in Russia before and I will continue to pray for you until you bring Kirill home.

  9. I'll be praying, I just know he's coming home to you.

  10. We have been praying! We have others praying as well in PA. I have it on the calendar and will be getting up to pray that morning!
    "The King's heart is in the hand of the Lord, like the rivers of water, He turns it wherever He wishes."
    Proverbs 21:1

  11. Lots of prayers for y'all, T'town and all of AL's tornado affected areas <3

  12. Joining the vigil to PRAY KIRILL HOME! Blessings to you!

  13. Praying for you all!!! God bless you Tes!

  14. Absolutely praying daily for your family and for your court case, and now for the rebuilding in your area!

  15. I will be praying for all of you! So sorry about the tornado. I hope your city recovers quickly.

  16. Our family will pray for your city and the court date.

  17. Of course I am praying over here. Praying for all of those in Alabama hit by the tornado (talk about scary) and for sweet sweet Kirill. Praying every day until he is in your arms.

  18. Thank you for the update, Tesney. I've been checking back daily for news that Kirill has been granted to travel home with you! We'll continue praying for your family, from here in Canada.
    Nothing but positive thoughts!

  19. So happy to hear that you finally got a date. I have been following and praying for your family and kirill and will continue until that beautiful little boy is home where he belongs

  20. You don't know me, but our family has been praying for Kirill for a long time...every single night and throughout the day when I think of him I pray for him to come home to his family. I will be praying that day for you all....marked my calendar already.
    God Bless you all!

  21. hi there! i have been praying for your family nad will continue. looking forward to watching God move this mountain, bring your boy home & His name to be glorified!

  22. I have been checking here almost everyday hoping you would post some good news. Yeaaa!!! You and your family and Krill will be in my daily prayers. Glad you are all ok from the storm.

    God Bless

  23. Your story has touched hearts all over the world and your faith through all of this is a blessing to all who hear your story. I pray that God's next move is to bring Kiril home!

  24. This is great news!!! You and your family are in my prayers.

  25. Praying for Kirill to come home!

  26. I will be praying for you and for Kirill!

    God Almighty can make it well!

    Proverbs 21:1
    "The king's heart is in the hand of the Lord, as the rivers of water: he turneth it whitersoever He will.

    May God bless you and Kirill.

    Love from Holland

  27. We are praying for you! We love Kirill and will be praying for him everyday until he gets to come home and then some!! God Bless!!

  28. Hoping and praying that the Supreme Court in Russia will see this little boys is already a part of your FAMILY!!

  29. Praying, praying, praying!!! We must pray this little boy home!

  30. Canada is praying for you and for sweet little Kirill to come home to you!

    God bless!
