
Tuesday, June 28, 2011


After 2 years, hundreds of documents, thousands of tears, and millions of prayers, I can finally say...OUR ADOPTION OF KIRILL IS COMPLETE!

We feel incredibly blessed by God's addition of Kirill to our family. 

We understand God's love for us more fully because of this difficult road we travelled to bring Kirill home. 

We realize we could not have done it alone.

We are SO THANKFUL for the outpouring of support through words, thoughts, acts of kindness, and most importantly, PRAYER.

If you've followed our journey from the beginning, you know that we have grown increasingly passionate about orphan care during our adoption process.

I can think of no better way to end this blog than to put out a plea for the millions of other children just like Kirill that do not have most basic human right...the love of a family.

As we were saying good-bye to our wonderful Russian staff on Kirill's gotcha day, I will never forget our facilitator's parting words to us. With tears in her eyes she said, "You have a blog. Please put on your blog that there are other children here who need families."

This request was humbling and amazing to us. Our Russian staff had been working so hard on our behalf. They lost sleep and put in long hours to help us fight for our precious son. I know their jobs were so very difficult. Yet they want to keep fighting for these children who are not valued by their society to have famlies. I cannot tell you how much these people mean to us. They are truly the Rosa Parks of their society, fighting for the rights of those that cannot fight for themselves.

And they are winning.


I am fully convinced that Satan tries to keep people from adopting orphans because he KNOWS that through adoption, you will come to know God's love for you more fully than you have ever known his love before. I can also tell you that when you choose to adopt, God will teach you things that he cannot teach you any other way than through the adoption process.

So don't miss out.


There are 147 million chances waiting to show you the love that God has for you.

And if you are afraid or if you have excuses, tell them to God and then listen for his reply. Search scripture. Ask him to help you understand his heart. Then remember his promises...

Joshua 1:9
"Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid. Do not be discouraged. For the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go."

Phil 1:6
"For I am certain of this very thing, that he by whom the good work was started in you will make it COMPLETE until the day Christ returns."


  1. what an amazing last blog post! you said it all honey and of course that picture! how wonderful. i am crying for 2 reasons, because i am so happy for you, for all the souls still forgotton ...ok 3...and for the end of this blog which in an odd way i will miss like a friend ...following yor family blog though honey so dont leave us, we all love you and your krill now! much love for your inspirational words and your journey. you have touched so many people and your faith has been awesome! hugs hugs hugs xxxxxxxxxxx

  2. I agree with Jane! This was the pefect last post for this blog!
    I can't wait to read about how Kirill is adjusting to having such a wonderful family! So glad he's home!

  3. Love it, Tesney!!! Such a wonderful testimony. I am blessed to have been a part of your journey. Thank you.

  4. Beautiful way to end the adoption blog and move forward with EVERYONE one on the family blog!!

    Will be following along!

  5. Awesome post Tesney, of course we will be following along on your family blog =)!

  6. I just LOVE a happy ending! :)

  7. Amazing! And oh so true! We can't wait to change the world for our one little one!

    Brooke Annessa

  8. Wonderful! Wonderful! Wonderful!!!!! So incredibly happy for your precious family! And thank you. Thank you so very much for sharing so openly this emotional journey. God has used your experiences to speak to me and remind me of His power and faithfulness over and over. Again today. Clinging to His truths!

  9. Wow- what powerful words. Your family has been such an inspiration to me. I can't wait to follow your family's story on your family blog. Blessings to you and your family. :)

  10. What a beautiful family picture.

  11. I just love "happily ever afters". Praying for the day that we know God says yes to adopt again. You are so right about Satan, he knows how adoption and love of a family can change a child, and most importantly change a family/community. So many people stood by amazed that we did not give up. We did not walk away. I am so thankful. He continues to do miracles and move mountains!!!! Adoption DOES point us to God and Christ, what lengths our savior would go to to adopt us, to be heirs......

  12. Such wonderful, wonderful news! All the trouble and roadblocks you went through was to show how really big and powerful and amazing God is. And how much love He has for the orphans. Nothing is too hard for Him. Thanks for sharing your story, Kirill's story, God's story with the world.

  13. God is so good! The look on both of your sons faces are adorable! Beautiful photo. xx

  14. This post brought tears to my eyes. I have let my blog lapse b/c keeping up with it, 2 kids, 1 job, 1 cat, 1 dog, 1 husband, 2 cars and 1 house is just too much! So I did not know that your journey was complete until I checked today. :)

    I agree wholeheartedly that adoption will change your life and make you understand God's love for us in a whole new way. I put on my FB recently that when people as why we adopted, I will simply answer, because we never wanted to regret NOT doing it.

  15. can you tell me what translation the prov 24:12 verse is from?

  16. can you tell me what translation the Proverbs 24:12 verse is from? I'm trying to use it in a paper and can't find that translation.
